Opening Times
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Our Location
100 Mainstreet Center, Sydney
Customer Service
+208 333 9296

Hazelnuts have been well known since ancient times. Today, hazelnut production is the major source of employment for people who live in Black Sea Region. Turkiye is the most important country of origin for hazelnuts in the world because of its favorable climate for hazelnut production.
Turkiye cultivates hazelnut in an area of about 725K hectares and produces approximately 700-750K tons/inshell annually.

Among the nuts species, hazelnuts play a major role in human nutrition and health because of its special composition of fat (mainly oleic acid), protein, carbonhydrate, vitamin E, minerals dietary fibre, phytosterols (beta-sitosterol) and antioxidant phenolics. Hazelnuts are a good source of energy. Hazelnuts have a great importance for bone growth and health, besides regulation of blood pressure. The nutritional and sensory properties of hazelnuts make them a unique and ideal ingredients for various food products.

Turkiye has two hazelnut producing regions. Turkish hazelnuts are classified as Giresun quality and Levant quality. Our hazelnuts are from Tirebolu which is a village of Giresun in the heart of 1st standard region.